E-Commerce development is a must for businesses that want to grab the benefits of the Internet era. However, this can pretty much become a mess as you would have so many things to consider. And some of which can certainly go wrong if you don’t plan things well. Now talking about building your e-Commerce house, start with your foundation – platform. Choosing the most suitable platform for your business is like building the most solid foundation for your house, and this should be built depending on your needs (that’s why we figure out for you the pros and cons of Magento to see if it is capable of finishing your requirements).

This foundation looks like an innovation stack used to maintain the business. While people run this ‘machine,’ it’s the adequacy and strength of this stack that characterizes operational security and achievement potential. That is the reason we have such huge numbers of online business platforms to look over. They are the reaction to this developing mechanical unpredictability, intended to join programming, structures, and work processes into coherent and sustainable ecosystems.

For this challenge, Magento, which has been born for around a decade, is the pioneer who reacts. It experienced plenty of cycles to get one of the greatest internet business stages. All the while, it picked up a sign after developers and framework integrators that began to spend significant time in Magento.

Be that as it may, Magento has been a rough ride for some organizations. Much the same as some other programming items, it has its qualities, shortcomings, and impediments. This article will paint a greater picture of the pros and cons of Magento for you and answer a direct inquiry: ‘Is Magento a solid match for my business?’


A. PROS – Here’s why you should go for Magento

1. It is robust

Starting with Magento, you have everything in your hands to immediately create your own online business. Even the Open Source – the free and simple version has already grabbed basic features that every business need:

  • Site management (CMS functionality,…)
  • SEO management
  • Marketing/ promotions
  • Catalog management
  • Order management (bills, address,…)

Also, a whole lot more. Be that as it may, there’s a particular piece of this beginning bundle that regularly gets disregarded. It’s the LUMA topic that comes standard in Magento 2. There’s nothing especially extraordinary about the subject itself. However, it speaks to the ideal UI that can begin producing deals when it goes live. The entirety of the features above is all set when you set them up for the store. No compelling reason to improve the topic or ensure that everything is shown accurately.

Other platforms don’t have the same initial packaging, which might require you to mess around with the setup. With them, you have to pick a theme, and then get all of the various features plugged into the store through extensions and add-ons.

2. Has many features that other platforms lack

When talking about pros and cons of Magento, it would be a deficiency if we do not mention that it has a wide scope of features which let us deal with numerous stores and bolster different locations, various language, different valuing and different monetary standards. Look at Magento versus Shopify, versus Woocommerce, versus Volusion or some other internet business stage and it stands apart with its plenitude of highlights.

For example, with the assistance of Magento, you can fluctuate your cost of the particular item relying on the gathering of clients. You can have an alternate cost for your staff just as an alternate cost for VIPs. Besides, the network variant of Magento permits you to appreciate numerous highlights, which other online business stages need. In this way, it is probably the greatest professional of picking Magento over other internet business stages.


3. It is highly flexible

Magento is an open-source platform. This means we could adjust the source code according to our necessities and want, which permits us to alter formats and accomplish the ideal usefulness.

Besides, Magento additionally allows outsider mix for different purposes like bringing in items and considerably more. This adaptability is the greatest in addition to the purpose of Magento as it makes simpler to look and break down the exhibition of sites and to get a bit of continuous data.

The engineering with the formats of this internet business stage permits you to redo pretty much anything you need. This permits you to make a site that meets your careful details so you don’t resemble a cutout copy of thousands of different destinations. The product is even open source so you can be building up the coding you requirement for explicit functionalities.


4. Advanced Testing Capabilities

Getting your site from organizing and into creation is much the same as preparing and afterward acting in a challenge. To ensure that everything goes easily, you need to commit your most extreme thoughtfulness regarding each and every detail.

Magento has a powerful testing enablement suite that can split your pre-discharge abandons, which is another benefit of Magento when discussing the pros and cons of this platform. That implies fewer bugs and disappointed clients, which sets aside your time and cash. Magento offers the Functional Testing Framework (FTF) that is based on PHPUnit – a developer situated testing framework with a demonstrated reputation and stable exhibition. It can likewise be utilized by your QA group on the off chance that you have one.



One of the most noticeable preferences of FTF is the way that it comes pre-bundled with standard test situations that influence the most significant useful procedures in your store. You can run these tests inside and out, or select a couple of them, or even one. The entirety of the disappointments is properly logged and provided with screen captures.

There are a lot of different highlights in FTF, however, the main concern is basic – Magento has a strong suite to robotize (somewhat) the testing cycle and essentially improve the nature of your dispatched Magento code. This opens up your engineers and satisfies your clients simultaneously. It’s additionally cross-stage and deals with any OS, so it’s another migraine that your developers don’t need to stress over.


5. Self-hosted King

There are numerous angles about the contrasts between hosted online business arrangements and open-source web-based business platforms. It’s normal, as there are numerous upsides and downsides to every choice.

Open-source platforms are substantially more famous than facilitated ones. The greatest web-based business stages on the planet are open-source and self-facilitated: Magento, WooCommerce, and so forth.

Why? Since they are considerably more adaptable than any hosted solutions. You can change the code any way you like and make it work, as long as you have a not too bad group of developers. With a hosted arrangement, you’re a prisoner to its impediments and prerequisites.

Out of the numerous self-hosted arrangements, Magento is in a favorable position. It is the most solid of all, as none of the different platforms have this pile of web-based business includes out-of-the-box. WooCommerce is based on WordPress, a stage that wasn’t planned basically for online business. OpenCart doesn’t have the spine, network, and family that Magento does. ‘I’m missing X features’ is an explanation that is less inclined to be made about Magento. Best of all, it’s free. You can mess with it. Let your devs jab it, stress it, test it. And afterward, settle on the choice. No mischief no foul. Furthermore, basically no squandered assets.


6. Mobile-friendly

The most mentions plus when talking about the pros and cons of Magento is that it is mobile-friendly. In this portable era, mobile-friendly configuration is an irreplaceable element of any e-Commerce site.



A mobile-friendly configuration is an unquestionable requirement to guarantee the accomplishment of internet business. As indicated by one of the overviews, about one-fourth of online customers felt the need for a mobile-friendly web-based business platform. Online retailers can’t neglect the way that web perusing pattern has moved to cell phones.

Magento is mobile-friendly as it permits to make a versatile site with no trouble and gives the best versatile review understanding to the client beyond what many would consider possible. This has helped in the expansion of offers and a lower ricochet rate.


7. Scalable

At the point when we start an independent venture, we do as such, so as to grow later on. As the business develops, our web-based commerce platforms must have the option to deal with the expanded measure of items and deals. A portion of the web-based business platforms probably won’t have the option to deal with this development and may upset the advancement of organization however Magento can deal with easily, from a bunch of items to a large number of them.

Indeed, Magento can roughly bolster up to 500 a large number of items and a large number of exchanges in 60 minutes. It is an outstanding favorable position since you can tweak Magento with no imperatives.

You can also flexibly add or remove items from your existing templates, and even change your site’s design to make them look more eye-catching to your target customers.


8. SEO-friendly

It’s difficult to get yourself on the radar, as there are such huge numbers of stores and organizations going after similar watchwords. That is the reason website improvement is as yet a major piece of an effective online business. Inbound leads that come through inquiry have probably the most minimal securing costs and truly high transformation rates.


Pros and Cons of Magento - SEO booster


Among several pros and cons of Magento, people mostly go for Magento because of one thing: SEO. It has a broad suite of SEO customization highlights. File the board permits you to control the connections that get given to the web crawler. There are a lot of standard discoverability highlights, similar to the sitemap in HTML and XML varieties. There are additionally prefixes and postfixes accepted labels the board and different highlights. For instance, the capacity to add pictures to the sitemap (rather than just pages). Your SEO fellow won’t have any issues with advancing the store for web search tools.

However, the standard usefulness isn’t really what makes Magento hang out right now. It’s the mind-blowing biological system of cutting edge SEO expansions that different merchants offer. They make overseeing SEO far and away superior, with altering limitations that won’t let you erase something significant. A great deal of them have implanted best SEO rehearses that won’t let you go over as far as possible for metadata, for instance. The vast majority of them are provided with easy to understand UI that permits anybody to rapidly refresh item data without the need to counsel your SEO authority.

Some outstanding items right now:

  • WebTex Ultimate SEO Suite
  • Amasty SEO Toolkit
  • MageWorx Ultimate SEO Suite

A portion of the accommodating highlights that are included by these augmentations incorporates SEO layouts for your metadata, which are overly valuable for bigger stores with a huge number of items, that all need portrayals and titles. Huge numbers of them likewise incorporate broadened rich scraps that permit you to add the site’s breadcrumbs route to the list items.


9. Huge community

Since the free form requires the help of clients to keep working, numerous who use Magento have created valuable modules or augmentations that can enable your business to keep on developing. A significant number of the engineers right now likewise accessible for help gives that may think of your execution of this web-based e-Commerce platforms. Considering the network adaptation is free, numerous private companies see the incentive in exchanging official organization support for this client arrange.


B. Cons – Things to consider

1. Time-consuming

Speaking of pros and cons of Magento, slow loading time can be one of its drawbacks when comparing to competitors. In this manner, customizations are really hard to make, in contrast with other web-based business stages. It is likewise difficult to change from another internet business stage to Magento because it imports the information at an exceptionally moderate rate.



One purpose for this moderate stacking is because of its adaptable engineering, which makes it complex and tedious to set it up. Be that as it may, this is profoundly discussed because solitary network variant of Magento is delayed at stacking. Interestingly, the venture and premium undertaking variants are very quick.

Also, the flexibility that Magento gives is an unequivocal advantage, yet it can likewise be a hindrance. The complexities in such an adaptable framework expect engineers to invest more energy with it so a customized framework can be executed. When contrasted with other internet business arrangements, Magento reliably positions at or close to the top with regards to full usage.


2. Has few developers

Magento has an enormous network of users just as developers. Therefore, it is hard to discover professional Magento developers. The primary purpose behind this is the mind-boggling understanding that one needs to have in object situated advancement and huge experience one ought to have with center programming.

Besides, Magento has a huge framework that has more than twenty thousand records and 200 information base tables. One needs a ton of time to ace it. Therefore, regardless of whether you are effective in finding a professional Magento developer, his costs are without a doubt going to be high as can be.

4.  The need for hosting

You should use a dedicated server to host Magento. Other normal hosting platforms should not be used to host it. Moreover, it should be configured in a server that you or your developer have proficiency in. 

Bulkiness is a prime reason behind this. Furthermore, optimization requires a lot of high-level skills and thinking. Hence, it is also one of the biggest cons of Magento because it can lead to the crashing of your websites.

As a result of the size of Magento, a business should, for the most part, have it on a committed server that can be arranged nearby. Best case scenario, you’ll need a common supplier who works in hosting Magento and that is going to cost extra. In case you’re utilizing a typical shared facilitating stage, it will hinder your site drastically and that could cost you various potential deals. Hence, new companies, specialists, and other independent ventures may search somewhere else for an alternate arrangement.


5. Not easy to implement

When working, or in detail, implementing the free community version odd Magento, you may need to deal with up to 200 database tables and even more than 20,000 files coming to your table. It is clear to see that this can be an obstacle for fresh developers or amateurs. Using this may not be a big deal, but to deeply understand and to master it may take a while. When discussing pros and cons of Magento, this could be a huge disadvantage.

Furthermore, it may take more time to implement than you could think of. This, surprisingly, results from the flexibility that Magento brings us. Such flexibility requires developers to work more hours to implement a personalized system. When it comes to full implementation, Magento holds the ranks at the top, when comparing to other e-Commerce solutions.


6. Time to market

Continuing talking about timing problems of Magento, time to market could also be a thing. If you are trying to test your e-Commerce site just to check out your business ideas, Magento should not be on the top of your list. It seems impossible that a Magento store goes online in a couple of days and everything runs perfectly. In this case, you’d better wait until scalability becomes your concern, then you could migrate to it. But you need to watch out because below a certain point, these advantages might not that useful to you.


7. It could be pricey

The last to mention, also the biggest concern when people consider the pros and cons of Magento, is that Magento could be really expensive. There’s no way around it. You have to invest in Magento. It’s either the Enterprise Edition (Commerce version), where you’ll have to part ways with a pretty significant sum of money, or it’s the Community Edition (Open-Source version), which will require a considerable time investment, although at a lower financial cost.


Pros and cons of Magento - It could be pricey for you


The free version (Community Edition) and this normally directs at small businesses and startups. However, after a while starting with this version and having decided that Magento is the right choice for you, you might need to upgrade to the Enterprise version, which comes with a whole lot more features, and therefore, indeed, costs a lot more. This version may require you about $14,000 a year. And for larger businesses that need to go with the Premium Enterprise version, this number could be up to $50,000. However, it should be noted that those services are for businesses, not individuals. 

Expect to spend even more time if you don’t have any Magento development experience. It is a complex system with its own highly organized and meticulous logic.


In conclusion, Magento has everything that you can look for in an e-Commerce package. It boasts a ton of extensive features, along with the ability to flexibly approach a variety of functional problems. Its incredible suite of business features will allow you to build a fully-functioning e-Commerce store without cutting any corners. It’s perfect for scale and rapidly expanding businesses. However, it all comes at a price. Figuratively and literally. Magento Commerce is an expensive alternative to the Open Source version of the platform. Given the complexity of the system, development cycles may take months. And they can stretch even further if you won’t pick a good development team for your project.


C. Looking for a Magento solution? CO-WELL Asia might be your answer.

CO-WELL Asia is one of three enterprises with the most significant Japanese investment in Viet Nam. We provide technology products and solutions, especially in the e-Commerce area.

Our service Magento development aims at enhancing our clients’ e-Commerce website in terms of visual and content.

We have become a Magento solution partner lately. With remarkable experience in building enterprise systems that manage more than 200 stores, over 20 million products, and around 10,000 orders a day, we have the confidence to consult and develop services for all levels of e-Commerce systems.


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Published by eddienguyen123

I'm Eddie Nguyen, Digital Marketing Leader at Co-Well Asia. We are so proud to be a reliable IT service provider, building a solid IT foundation for our customers to optimize their businesses

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